Wednesday, April 18, 2012

CAO's Last Stick Standing

CAO cigars just launched their newest promotion called "Last Stick Standing" at Uptown's Smoke Shop here in Nashville, TN this past Thursday.  This promotion gives CAO fans that opportunity to help rate 3 cigars and have a hand in deciding which of the three will be released later this year, or early in 2013. If you're local shop is hosting a "Last Stick Standing" event, then you'll be able to try them out and rank them on a card to be returned with your thoughts and notes on the three cigars.  If you're able to get a tin of the cigars, give them a shot and rank them online at . Currently, all 3 cigars are pretty much neck and neck, but they need to hear your feedback before June 30th!

In other CAO news...well, I can't divulge much, but I will say that there's a storm a brewing on the horizon and it might get loud at IPCPR this year.  Musician aficionados in particular will be very happy come IPCPR!

Below are some pictures from the kick-off to "Last Stick Standing"